Q. My book has been recalled and I can't return it on time! What can I do?


Although ASU Library offers a generous checkout period, all items are subject to recall. The recall policy applies to all users and is strictly enforced. It is in effect all year long including breaks, sabbaticals and vacations. When a checked out item is requested/recalled, the due date changes to two weeks from the date it was requested by another user. Here is a link to our Recall Policy information page and a link to our Returning Library Materials page.

Once a recalled item is returned, if it is returned after the recall due date, the maximum late fee for the item is $25. If you cannot return a recalled item by the recall due date, we recommend that you return the book to the library as soon as you are able, and subsequently deal with the late fee after the return. You may appeal library fines through a written appeal process after the item has been returned. Here is a link to our Billing Appeal Procedure page.

If you would like more information about the recall policy or the appeal procedure, you may contact the library billing department at lillie.johnson@asu.edu or 480-965-3417. More contact information is available on our Billing Contact page.

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