Q. How can I create my own account to Times Higher Education (THE)?


Current ASU faculty, staff and students can sign up for your own Times Higher Education (THE) account!

Registering as a first time user:

For anywhere, anytime access to the Times Higher Education, you first need to register using ASU email address. Please follow these instructions so that your personal THE account is associated with the University’s institutional subscription.

  1. From the Times Higher Education website click on the user account icon, i.e. the red person icon towards the top right.

  2. Register using your Arizona State University email address @asu.edu (Your username will appear in public facing parts of the site such as comments on articles.)

  3. Choose a user name and password.

  4. Click on Join us at the bottom and you will be logged in.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email.

Once you have successfully registered your personal account, just click on Login the next time you use the service.

Access digital editions:

  1. To access digital editions of THE, go to their homepage.
  2. Click the Professional tab, then click Digital Editions.
  3. Then simply select the issue you want to view.

Download the app:

  1. The Times Higher Education app is available on iOS, Android and Kindle Fire. Visit your app store provider to download it to your device.
  2. Select the edition you would like to view, e.g. UK or Global
  3. Log in by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of their home page.
  4. Select Account, then click: Existing THE account
  5. Enter your username and password.

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