Q. How can I get anywhere anytime access to the Wall Street Journal?
WSJ.com subscriptions are available to current Arizona State University faculty, staff and students.
How to activate your digital subscription
Go to the WSJ registration page: WSJ.com/ArizonaState
- Enter your first and last name
- Select an Account Type from the dropdown: Student, Professor, or Staff
- Enter your ASU email address and create a password. The email address and password will allow access on other devices outside of the university network.
- Click Create to complete registration and create your WSJ subscription.
- Once you have an account you can go directly to: https://www.wsj.com/
When does my digital subscription expire?
If you’re a student: When you activate your student membership, you will be prompted to input their graduation date & year. This is your membership expiration date. If you happen to graduate later than expected and lose access, you can re-activate your membership.
If you’re Faculty/Staff: All faculty & staff retain WSJ membership for one year after activating. After that, you will have to re-activate your membership.
What if I already have a WSJ subscription?
Current subscribers can call 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625) to switch from their paid subscription to the membership through their university and they will be refunded the remaining balance of their subscription.
What your digital subscription includes
- Access to wsj.com articles 1997 to present
- WSJ mobile apps for your device from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- A newsletter of curated content sent to your inbox every month (optional)
What about older WSJ articles?
Older articles (1984 - present) can be accessed via the Wall Street Journal (ProQuest) database.
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